Stories for you

  • LifestyleGOBankingRates

    How To Help Your Child Pay For Their Wedding While Protecting Your Nest Egg

    According to a recent statistic published in Forbes, the average cost of a wedding in 2024 is $33,000. This is a huge number. And, traditionally, it's the bride's parents who get saddled with it. But...

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  • LifestyleMiami Herald

    Doing home improvements yourself? Here’s how to make sure you don’t get hurt

    While doing the work yourself can save money and stimulate your creative juices, it can also be dangerous.

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  • Healthdpa international

    #Foodporn FTW: Instagram-ready meals could help people eat better

    "Look everybody, I am about to eat! You need to see this!" Grabbing a quick snap of dinner or an ornately-patterned latte has become as much a staple for hundreds of millions of people as the food being consumed. And while scrolling through seemingly-endless food photos on social media feeds is not to everyone’s taste, it could be good for you if it promotes healthy eating, according to a study from Curtin University in Australia. People who photographed what they ate were better able to accurat

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  • LifestyleHuffPost Life

    Grandparents Are Getting Older, On Average. Here's Why That Matters.

    Demographic shifts may mean changing roles for grandparents within family networks.

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  • LifestyleApartment Therapy

    I Tried This Nordic Sleep Method, and It’s Given Me the Best Sleep of My Life

    Best part? It’s completely free.

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  • LifestyleKyrie Gray

    Future women's lifestyle blog headlines as climate change continues to ravage our planet

    Climate change is here but women's lifestyle blogs and magazines haven't caught up. In time, you'll start seeing headlines like these, teaching you how to be attractive while being ready for floods.

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  • LifestyleParenting Translator

    Should I Be Worried If My Kid Is the "Hitter"?

    As a parent, nothing can really prepare you for the first time your child hits you or another child. It is hard not to feel like you did something wrong to have raised a “hitter.” But, you can rest assured that nearly every child goes through this stage and, although you may never be able to fully eliminate aggression, there are some research-backed ways to prevent it and manage it.

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