Stories for you

  • LifestyleThe Conversation

    Crosby-Schรธyen Codex, sold for millions at auction, gives a glimpse into the history of early Christianity

    A collection of manuscripts from ancient Egypt reveals the variety of early Christian scriptures before the consolidation of the Bible.

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  • HealthParents

    When a Baby 'Drops' During Pregnancy

    Dropping or lightening is your baby's descent into your womb. Learn when a baby 'drops' and if it means labor is near.

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  • Healthdpa international

    Snacks vs sleep: Study shows ultra-processed food can cause insomnia

    Heavily processed food like packaged snacks, deli meats and ready meals disrupt sleep and could be a contributor to the insomnia experienced by around 1 in 3 adults worldwide, according researchers at the Sorbonne and Columbia University. The warning is the latest black mark against bad eating habits such as gobbling down "ultra-processed" snacks, consumption of which is on the rise worldwide and linked to health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and cancer, according to Columbiaโ€™s Marie-Pie

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  • HealthWashington Post

    Doctors couldnโ€™t help. They turned to a shadow system of DIY medical tests.

    Angelika Sharma was desperate. An array of basic first foods - from bananas to sweet potatoes - caused her six-month old Annika to vomit uncontrollably, so many times in one night that she landed in the hospital for dehydration. Half a dozen pediatric specialists largely dismissed her daughterโ€™s ailments, Sharma said, forcing her to leave her job as a hospitality executive, because "you canโ€™t just have any babysitter looking after a childโ€ with such serious reactions to food.Subscribe to The Pos

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  • LifestyleBiloxi Sun Herald

    Coast restaurants fail inspection for issues like fish safety, presence of bugs or rodents

    MS Health Department checks for fish safety at every inspection.

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  • LifestyleCountry Living

    175 Best Middle Names for Girls

    Whether you're looking for something common or unique, we found the best middle names to give your baby girl in 2024.

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  • HealthParade

    Calling All Cold Plungers! These Are the 5 Biggest Benefits of Ice Baths

    Lady Gaga and Harry Styles have made ice baths hot. Should you take one?

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