Stories for you

  • LifestyleParenting Translator

    Should I Be Worried If My Kid Is the "Hitter"?

    As a parent, nothing can really prepare you for the first time your child hits you or another child. It is hard not to feel like you did something wrong to have raised a โ€œhitter.โ€ But, you can rest assured that nearly every child goes through this stage and, although you may never be able to fully eliminate aggression, there are some research-backed ways to prevent it and manage it.

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  • HealthParenting Translator

    The Mental Load of Parenting: Is It All Bad?

    New research suggests that there may be some positive impacts associated with carrying the mental load

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  • LifestyleKyrie Gray

    Future women's lifestyle blog headlines as climate change continues to ravage our planet

    Climate change is here but women's lifestyle blogs and magazines haven't caught up. In time, you'll start seeing headlines like these, teaching you how to be attractive while being ready for floods.

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  • LifestyleBusiness Insider

    I became a millionaire at 21 after winning the lottery. It changed my life, but I sometimes felt like a walking ATM.

    A 21-year-old lottery winner who received $28 million shares how he spent the money and it impacted his life.

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  • LifestyleSean Kernan

    Four Things Every Human Should Experience Before They Die

    When we talk about must-have life experiences, overly obvious things often come to mind: falling in love, having a child, landing your dream job. But what else? The best experiences having staying power. Years later, they come back and make you think, โ€œMan, Iโ€™m so glad I did that.โ€ They are perspective-changing. They make you smile in the darkness on your sleepless nights.

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  • LifestyleHuffPost Life

    Here's What Restaurant Servers Notice About You When You're Dining Out

    Little clues determine how they size you up and judge what kind of guest you are.

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  • LifestyleBusiness Insider

    Some Gen Z and baby boomers are facing a strange predicament: feeling happy and lonely at the same time

    Boomers and Gen Z might not have much in common, but new research found the two generations can experience happiness and loneliness simultaneously.

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