Stories for you

  • LifestyleSean Kernan

    The Profound Personality Changes That Come With Age

    My last interaction with Mike went poorly โ€” to say the least. Weโ€™d been playing basketball in my high school gym, and he kept tripping and fouling me in an egregious way. We were both 16 and he was a disgruntled teenager, always causing trouble and bullying people. After one hard trip that sent me to the floor, I jumped up and got in his face and shouted, โ€œStop fouling me!โ€ โ€œOr what?โ€ He said. And before I could say anything else, he spit in my face. Iโ€™m not a violent person but, instinctivel

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  • LifestyleSean Kernan

    The Art and Science of Effective Complaining

    I was second in line at a small airport store, where they sold pricey soggy turkey sandwiches and tacky coffee mugs. In front of me, a menacing middle-aged man held up a bag of chips and barked out, โ€œFive dollars! Really? Five freaking dollars?โ€ The doe-eyed woman behind the register, who looked not a day older than 20, mumbled, โ€œUmโ€ฆyes. Five dollars, please.โ€

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  • LifestyleHuffPost

    My Daughter Was Being Bullied. I Thought It'd Eventually End โ€” Until I Had A Chilling Realization.

    "I wish I could say I swooped in and saved Nina from her tormentors, but I would have to accept failure โ€” and acknowledge my own powerlessness โ€” in order to do that."

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  • HealthLive Science

    Rare fungal STI spotted in US for the 1st time

    A difficult-to-treat form of ringworm can spread via sex and has now been seen in the U.S.

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  • LifestyleSlate

    My Nephew Is Taking โ€œNo!โ€ to a Scary Place

    These outbursts go way beyond childhood intransigence.

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  • LifestyleSheKnows

    Should Teens Have a Summer Job?

    During the long days of summer, itโ€™s pretty common for teenagers to lounge around, sleeping until noon โ€” right? But should parents be encouraging teens to be more productive during their break from school? The short answer is absolutely. To find out about the important benefits of summer jobs for teens, we spoke with parenting โ€ฆ

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  • LifestyleSean Kernan

    5 Life Lessons Iโ€™d Share With My Younger Self

    I sometimes imagine a panic-stricken phone call to my younger self. I only have 30 seconds to pass wisdom to him before the call ends. No winning lottery ticket numbers. No stock advice. Just quick life advice. Would I even be able to help? Or are some trains meant to crash? This exercise is a great way to surface wisdom. What have I learned, without a doubt?

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