Here's Exactly What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Oranges Every Day

Woman picking up an orange to eat

Oranges are one of the most popular fruits in the U.S. and due to the different varieties that are grown at varying times of the year, they are often available year-round at grocery stores. If you haven’t considered adding oranges to your diet, there are plenty of reasons to do so, according to registered dietitians.

While all fruits have nutritional benefits and it’s good to eat a wide variety to get a wider range of nutrients, there are a few specific reasons why oranges, in particular, are a great one to add to your diet. Eaten in their whole form, they’re even healthier than orange juice because you get the added benefit of fiber and don’t have to worry about any additives, like sugar.

What exactly can you expect to happen if you eat an orange every single day? Keep reading to see six changes you can expect to experience.

Related: Here's Exactly What Happens to Your Body If You Drink Orange Juice Every Day

6 Ways Eating an Orange Every Day Can Impact the Body

1. Your digestion may improve

Registered dietitian Victoria Whittington, RDN, says that one benefit to eating an orange every day is that it supports healthy digestion. “Oranges are high in fiber, which supports healthy digestion and regular bowel movements,” she says. The high water content in oranges also helps because it makes stool softer, helping to prevent constipation.

“A large orange contains about four grams of fiber, which is 16% of the recommended amount for women each day,” says Alex Caspero, MA, RD, RYT, a registered dietitian and owner of Delish Knowledge.

Caspero adds that this is especially noteworthy since most Americans don’t get enough fiber. “A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report found that only one in 10 Americans eat enough fiber each day, with the average between 10 and 15 grams per day. Getting enough fiber is important for gut health and can aid in weight management and reduce the risk of certain cancers, like colon cancer,” she explains.

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2. You might get sick less often

Want to up your vitamin C intake? Eating an orange every day is a great way to do it. Registered dietitian Kim Melton, RD, says that oranges are known for their high vitamin C content, containing 75% of the recommended daily value.

This, she says, contributes directly to supporting the immune system, helping to protect the body from viruses and other forms of illness. Melton adds that the antioxidants in oranges also help fight inflammation, another way it protects the body from illnesses.

Related: Here Are 15 Foods to Give Your Immune System a Much-Needed Boost, According to Doctors and RDs

3. It might boost your mood

“Some studies suggest that diets rich in vitamin C may improve mood and help alleviate symptoms of depression,” Whittington says.

While managing depression or sadness certainly requires more than simply eating an orange, having a diet that supports brain health can play a supporting role; scientific research shows a strong connection between food and mood, and adding an orange to your daily diet can be a part of that.

4. Your risk of heart disease may lower

Oranges are good for your heart! “Oranges are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, all of which play a role in supporting health and well-being. The flavonoids hesperidin and naringenin present in oranges may decrease inflammation, lower blood pressure and support heart health,” Whittington says. Lowering blood pressure is directly linked to decreasing the risk of heart attacks as well as strokes.

5. Your risk of Alzheimer’s disease could decrease

In addition to supporting heart health, every time you eat an orange, you’re also benefiting your brain. “Oranges contain flavonoids which have been shown to support a healthy brain and may aid in protecting against both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease,” Melton says.

Whittington adds to this, saying, “Research shows that citrus fruits may have a neuroprotective effect, supporting brain health and reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases.”

6. Your skin may show signs of aging slower

Both Whittington and Caspero say that the high vitamin C content in oranges makes it a great food for supporting skin health, specifically slowing signs of aging.

“Vitamin C is an antioxidant that not only helps in overall immune health, but vitamin C is also important in the creation of collagen, which is essential for skin health. Both food sources of vitamin C and topical vitamin C have been shown to be beneficial for the skin, and some studies have shown that it may help reduce ultraviolet-induced photodamage,” Caspero explains.

As you can see, there are many ways that eating an orange every day can benefit the body—an added perk to enjoying a food simply because it tastes good. It bears repeating that all fruits have nutritional benefits, but if you have a health goal of adding more fruit to your diet, picking up some oranges on your next trip to the grocery store is a great place to start.

Next up, find out what happens to your body if you eat an apple every day.
